The 13th of February the Ethiopian Minister of Health visited the Lia Tadesse Gabremedhin Arba Minch General Hospital. There she met with Plastic and Burn Surgeon Desta Galcha and got a tour of the new Burn Unit.

Amazing that the Minister of Health took time out of he schedule to visit the new clinic and talk about the importance of improving Burn Care in Ethiopia.
And the 9th of February the Swedish Burn Care Foundation was invited to a digital workshop with the Swedish Embassy in Addis Abeba and Swecare. With over 50 participants representing the Ethipian Ministry of Health, medical institutions, surgeons healthcare experts as well as Swedish healthcare representatives and companies. During the workshop we participated in discussing how Sweden and Ethiopia can work together to develop and improve the burn and trauma health care for all of Ethiopia.
The meeting highlighted the Swedish-Ethiopian collaberation on burn care that is currently on-going in Arba Minch and Bule Hora together with the Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala University, Swedish Burn Care Foundation and Children’s Burn & Wound Care Foundation. The purpose was to share insights into ways to adapt improved burn care locally in a “Small Scale – Large Impact” project.