In close collaboration with the Norwegian organization The Children’s Burn & Wound Care Foundation, The Swedish Burn Care Foundation trains, builds and equips burn care clinics in Africa. We are a non-profit organization with the aim of helping to reduce the suffering that hundreds of thousands of children in Africa endure every year due to a lack of knowledge and equipment to treat burns and severe wounds.

The Board of The Swedish Burn Care Foundation consists of the following persons:

Morten Kildal
Morten Kildal, MD, PhD, is Consultant in Plastic Surgery at the Burn Care Center at the Uppsala University Hospital, associate professor of plastic surgery at Uppsala University and has been committed to improve Burn Care in Ethiopia for many years.
+46 70-333 71 55

Lasse Tenerz
Lasse Tenerz , PhD, is chairman of the board and a social entrepreneur with several board assignments, including the Happy Child Home foundation, that runs an orphanage in Thailand.
+46 70-930 01 02

Ann Hammarstrand
Ann Hammarstrand, is the organization’s finance manager with long experience as CFO in the medical device industry.
+46 73-316 10 65

Helena Tenerz
Helena Tenerz (Ph.D.) is the organization’s secretary and technical consultant, with a business background in medical technology.
+46 70-830 01 02

Staffan Hällerfors
Staffan Hällerfors, is the organization’s communications manager and has a background in the media, working with marketing and sales managment.
+46 70-773 45 48
Statutes & annual report
Here are the statutes and annual report of The Swedish Burn Care Foundation, currently only available in Swedish.
Statutes for The Swedish Burn Care Foundation (Swedish)
Annual Report 2023 (Swedish)
Annual Report 2022 (Swedish)
Annual Report 2021 (Swedish)
Children's Burn & Wound Care Foundation, CBCF

In close collaboration with the Norwegian organization The Children’s Burn & Wound Care Foundation, The Swedish Burn Care Foundation builds, equips and trains burn care clinics in Africa.